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Katerina Dominguez
5 min read
A Parent’s Guide to Video Games
A parents guide to video games (gaming)!

Katerina Dominguez
2 min read
Can you be your child’s life coach?
To some extent, the modern parent is their child’s life coach. Today, children need values, time alignment and choice-making coaching and...

Katerina Dominguez
3 min read
Why life coaching for children is different to other therapies?
Life coaching is different to other therapies such as clinical therapy. Here, we take a look at these differences. 1. Focus on the...

2 min read
4 techniques to calm an anxious child!
Many of our children are feeling worried and anxious about the current situation regarding Coronavirus and the effect it is having upon...

Katerina Dominguez
4 min read
Life Coaching: Why it's becoming so popular!
These days, we tend to think we are the masters of our problems and because of that we should solve them ourselves. We often believe that...

1 min read
What is a Relax Kids Class?
A study by the Office of National Statistics found that one in ten children now suffer from mental health problems including stress,...
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